Source: Department of Foreign Affairs
Justice department (reconciliation, justice available for everybody; to anchor justice and the laws, safety for all citizens )
2,8 million euro in 2009, 3,8 million euro in 2010, 4,8 million euro in 2011
Kigali Supreme Court:
1,280 miljoen in 2009 0,366 miljoen in 2010 0,100 miljoen in 2011
Legal Aid Forum (NGO):
0,397 miljoen in 20090, 162 miljoen in 2010 0.224 miljoen in 2011
Elections 2010 (support basket NEC):
0,250 miljoen in 2009 0,250 miljoen in 2010 no support in 2011 because of unfair elections
2006, 2007, 2008, in total: 3,3 million euro 2008 and 2009 more than 18.000 for audits 2011 more than 87.000 euro reserved for evaluation Gacaca
What were the results according to the Dutch government?
In 30 districts 'Maisons d'acces au Justice' (offices where you can get free legal assistance) were built;
Less legal cases waiting to be handled: 2006: 54409, 2009 47.000, 2011 (expected) 36.000
More corruption cases: 2006 47%, in 2009 79% of all cases handledCrime figures are reduced by 5% every year
Building new prisons, improvement of living conditions in prisons, renovation old prisons, closing down of some prisons who couldn't fulfill the basic norm.
More lawyers member of the Rwandese Association for Advocats: 2000: 56 , 2011: 700.
More judges, more prosecution officers
Before 2000 the Dutch government started support training of judges and lawyers
In 2002 the Dutch government started support building courthouses
Revision of Media law and law about divisionism